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Our Values

Our values are the frame of reference that guides our actions and decisions and shapes the culture of our organization.

Respect for Individuals

Value our members, employees and partners and foster an inclusive culture.

  • Membership is open to all.
  • We actively listen to our employees, members and partners and treat them equitably.
  • We provide our products and services in French and English.
  • We ensure the highest standards of confidentiality and adherence to privacy standards.


Integrity and Transparency

Be ethical, honest and fair at all times.

  • Our decisions are in the best interest of our members.
  • We provide complete, accurate and pertinent information to our members, employees and partners.
  • We take full responsibility for our actions and our decisions.



Continually improve our products and services in order to exceed our members’ expectations.

  • We welcome and value ideas and solutions that will allow us to improve our performance.
  • We encourage and engage in the sharing of creative solutions with our employees, members and partners.
  • We adapt our strategies in light of innovation and new trends in the industry in order to remain competitive. 


Community Involvement

Actively participate in the sustainable development of the community, which was an integral part of the foundation of our organization and continues to be the basis of our success.

  • We support community initiatives and projects through our Community Sponsorship Program.
  • We encourage community involvement among our employees.
  • We favor doing business with members and local community businesses for our organization’s requirements.
  • We consider the impact of our decisions on the well-being of the communities we serve.


Proud of our Heritage

Celebrate our origins and preserve our culture.

  • We ensure that the governance and management of our organization is in French.
  • We ensure that our working language is in French, however we adapt to the linguistic needs of the region, as required.
  • In honor of our origins, we continue to support the French speaking community of Manitoba.